The First Berliner Art Book 2025©​

The First Berliner Art Book Series © is a series of art books that aim to connect artists, galleries and the art world in a direct and efficient way.

Art management BerlinTHE FIRST BERLINER ART BOOK 2024 -auslage

The participation to "The First Berliner Art Book©" Series is by Art Management Berlin's exclusive invitation.

How to apply?

Please send to

– the biographical text in English, written in the third person, of not more than 100 words about You and Your art. Plus any public contact details as email or web page.

-3 images of Your recent original works of art of Your personal choice along with technical details (title, size, medium and year). Images should be in JPG format with at least 2.400 pixels and 300 dpi that You decide to print into the book.

Terms and conditions:

One page, including 3 works of art and the text, EUR 999.00

Second page, (until 5 pages) you can order separately for EUR 499.00 each page, including another 3 additional images of your artworks on each page.

Front Cover EUR 4000 including 4 pages, text and 12 artworks. You can order separately another 2 pages for EUR 199.00 each page, including another 3 additional images of your artworks on each page.

Back cover EUR 3000 including 4 pages, text and 12 artworks. You can order separately another 2 pages for EUR 199.00 each page, including another 3 additional images of your artworks on each page. 



Each artist will receive:​

–  3 exemplars of The First Berliner Art Book 2025©

–  Promotion of The First Berliner Art Book 2025 © in 300 worldwide galleries. The distribution list is constantly updated.

Technical details of the hard cover book:

Dimensions: 21 cm x 21 cm 

Color: full color

Paper: 250 gr / m2

Exemplars: 1500

In February 2025 each participant will receive the PDF layout of the page(s) for there’s approval.

The book will be printed in the March 2025 and the advertising in galleries worldwide will begin in April 2025.

At the same time we ensure that your images will not be used in any other way than in editing this art book respecting all copyrights.


Art Management Berlin offering the production of the individual art videos that is reserved exclusively to all contemporary artists that have been invited to be featured in The First Berliner Art Book © series or who have been already featured in The First Berliner Art Book © series. 

For be able to help in an unconventional way the AMB Contemporary artists of all Mediums of the Fine Arts, Art Management Berlin starts the production of the AMB individual videos where are included the artworks and short technical details of the artworks along with profile photo of the artist.  

In our offer it’s also included the FULL COPYRIGHTS and the FREE PERSONAL DISTRIBUTION OF AMB VIDEOS.

The EXCLUSIVE AMB NEW OFFER it’s reserved to the EXCLUSIVELY AMB contemporary artists that have been invited to participate to The First Berliner Art Book © series or have been featured in The First Berliner Art Book © series.


Technical details and requested art material:

For 10-15 Seconds 4 HD Video we need from you 4-5-6 JPG Images of 300 DPI, 2500 PXL of your artworks including your profile Photo in high resolution 300 DPI and 2500 PXL 


 In this price it’s included the production of maxim 6 working days from your order and 1 time edit of the Video at the artist’s request.

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